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Video: 3 Feedback Strategies to Drive Sales Agility

Video: 3 Feedback Strategies to Drive Sales Agility

Modern Sellers don’t hide from feedback. Performance conversations should be regular, expected happenings between a seller and leader. Those conversations are more forward-looking and drive better results. It’s all part of the dimension– The Modern Seller is agile.

Video: Drive Sales Agility with Strategic Speed

Video: Drive Sales Agility with Strategic Speed

Welcome back to the Modern Seller video series.

Let’s consider strategic speed as a factor in sales agility. Strategic speed can apply to almost any sales situation… achieving a goal, moving an opportunity forward, building a target market or launching a new product or service, or building a new skill.

Watch this short video for tips on how to achieve strategic speed.

Sales Agility is Top 5 Sales Skill. Here’s How to Build It.

Sales Agility is Top 5 Sales Skill. Here’s How to Build It.

Welcome to the new Modern Seller video series.

I’m back from a short blogging break, and am looking forward to sharing strategies that you can put into practice as either a sales professional or sales leader. This first theme is about building sales agility. Sales agility makes us more innovative, better able to accelerate opportunities, and reach our sales goals.

One way sellers build agility is to fill in blind spots. I invite you to watch this short video to learn three practical strategies to help your clients overcome their blind spots. I’ll be back with more tips next week.

Your sales growth is only as strong as your strategy.

Download Amy's Sales Strategy Index now and receive the top 10 growth factors every sales strategy needs. 

Congratulations! Here is your Sales Strategy Index.