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Most client and prospect meetings happen within the four walls of a video call. So how can you ace that meeting and move an opportunity forward? Here are two areas to focus on for better outcomes:

1. Brevity

When planning your video meeting, keep it concise. If you’re used to covering three agenda items, consider trimming it down to two. Less is more in a virtual setting. Similarly, limit the number of documents you share. Instead of multiple files, focus on one or two key documents, saving the rest for follow-up.

2. Clarity

Start with clear outcomes for your meeting and ensure everyone knows the time constraints. Wrap up with a summary of next steps and schedule the follow-up. Leaving space at the end for clarity will set you up for success in your next conversation.

By focusing on brevity and clarity, you’ll ensure your next video meeting is a win.


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Frequently Asked Questions

To improve the effectiveness of your video meetings, focus on brevity and clarity. Trim down your agenda to cover fewer key points, and limit the number of documents you share during the meeting. This approach creates more space for meaningful conversation and allows for follow-up on additional details later. Start and end your meetings with clear objectives and next steps to ensure everyone is aligned.

At the end of a video meeting, always leave time to summarize key points and next steps. Clarity is essential, so make sure everyone understands the outcomes and any follow-up actions. Also, use this time to schedule your next meeting, ensuring continuity and progress.

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