What kind of impression do you make on your clients?
Building strong client relationships by creating – and communicating – value is an integral part of establishing your role as a strategic partner. An X-factor in the world of professional services. Strong strategic relationships and a reputation as someone who provides business value will help you stand out from the crowd.
But it’s up to you to tie your work to the business value it creates – and to do so in a confident, consistent, yet professional manner. In this special article for CPA Trendlines, I’m pleased to present my simple, three-step framework for communicating business value.
Read the full article in CPA Trendlines now.
Thanks to CPA Trendlines for including me as part of their series of speakers in advance of the Assocation for Accounting Marketing (AAM) Summit 2018. I look forward to seeing everyone in Portland, where I’ll be speaking on the topic of social capital and strategic relationships. If you’re attending the Summit, please join me in Pavilion Ballroom East at 2:25 p.m. on May 16.
For more tips on strategic relationships, download my ebook, 36 Tips to Build Lasting Strategic Relationships.