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What are you watching?

According to Hubspot, 78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day. You can make the most of your video consumption by creating a list of talks that can inspire your sales success. Two years ago, I shared a list of my favorite TED talks for sellers. Today, let’s look at this updated list.

The Puzzle of Motivation by Daniel Pink

You’ve heard me mention Dan Pink before. He’s among my favorite authors. So it’s no surprise his TED talk ranks among my favorites, too. In his talk, he explores “The Puzzle of Motivation.” He makes a case for rethinking how we should run our businesses and reward our teams. The solution he offers is unexpected. If you’re a sales leader, you won’t want to miss this.

How to Break Bad Management Practices Before They Reach the Next Generation by Elizabeth Lyle.

Elizabeth Lyle implores us to step out of our comfort zones and empower middle managers to climb the corporate ladder– while also challenging the way things have always been done. Her approach will require both the managers and C-level leaders to take risks and engineer learning and practice into day-to-day activities. When we work together, everyone, including the business, wins.


Don’t Fail Fast, Fail Mindfully by Leticia Gasca

Risk taking leads to success. Of course, we always celebrate bold entrepreneurs who are successful, but what happens to those who fail? Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a modern seller, far too often, we bury our failure stories out of shame or humiliation. When we do that, we and miss out on a valuable opportunity for growth. Sharing our failure can make us stronger.


Know Your Worth and Ask for It by Casey Brown

Sellers are wired to get the best prices for the products and services we sell. But what about you? Are you being paid what you’re worth… or what your boss thinks you’re worth? Probably the latter. But we can take the time to learn how to shape their thinking. Pricing consultant Casey Brown shares helpful stories and learnings that can help you better communicate your value and get paid for your excellence. While it’s aimed at women, the advice here is applicable to anyone. Fun note: this talk was originally given right in my hometown, Columbus.


Want to Help Someone? Shut Up and Listen by Enersto Sirolli

We’re all guilty of this. We hear a prospect or client’s problem and immediately offer a solution. But is it the right solution? In a similar vein, Ernesto Sirolli shares the story of well-intentioned aid workers who hear of a problem they think they can fix, and then go to work. This, he suggests, is naïve. In his funny and impassioned talk, he proposes that the first step is to listen to the people you’re trying to help, and tap into their own entrepreneurial spirit. His advice on what works applies to modern sellers.


Looking for more sales inspiration? Read my article on growth mindset and high value growth opportunities.



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