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A mental shift can change your entire outlook and bring more peace into the way you approach sales. On this episode of The Business that Story Built podcast, I joined host Christie Bilbrey to share how  entrepreneurs can change the way they think about sales and their own business, find the unique value they have to offer, and take all the pressure off of sales calls with one simple switch.

Finding value in your work and expertise, and betting on yourself, will make you a stronger modern seller.

Christie is marketing strategist, brand storyteller, and owner of Stella Nova Strategies digital marketing agency.

Some highlights from the episode include:

2:25 What makes the biggest difference in building a sales career in the corporate world

3:40 The biggest mental shift coming from corporate to owning your own business

5:00  Defining the modern seller

11:00 The skills required for any modern seller

16:10 Changes business owners can incorporate into their 2023 goals

18:45 The biggest mistakes people make in sales

22:00 How business women change can stop playing small and go after larger clients

26:20: How to pitch yourself for speaking opportunities

28:30 Tips for being a modern seller

Please watch below, and be sure to subscribe for more great content from Christie and The Business that Story Built and other sales influencers!


For more information on modern selling strategies, download my Essential Sales Strategies eBook. And catch me on more sales podcasts here.


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