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Top 5 Sales Skills of Modern Sellers

Anthony Iannarino is a fellow speaker, author and sales leader who also happens to be located right here in the Columbus Region, like Amy Franko. His sales podcast, In the Arena, is constantly ranked among the best in the business.

Amy joined Anthony on an episode to share the top five sales skills of modern sellers. Learn how the quality of your relationships will dictate the quality of your sales results and how to become a trusted advisor to your clients.

You can listen to the conversation here.

Topics Amy and Anthony discussed include:

  • What has changed that requires that we make the delineation of “modern seller?”
  • The quality of your relationships will dictate the quality of your sales results
  • Sales ambassadors earn the right to be a trusted advisor to their customers

Learn More:

For more sales podcasts and leadership podcasts with Amy, visit our podcast resource page.

Learn more about Amy Franko’s book, The Modern Seller, here.

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