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What’s your story? Storytelling in sales helps you connect with your prospects and clients. It brings a situation to life and helps someone connect with your product or service. Stories also give you credibility.

Even if you are naturally skilled as a storyteller, it helps to continually learn skills to stay relevant. And, good news, if it doesn’t come naturally to you, it’s still a skill you can build and use successfully.

I joined Paul Watts on this episode of the Sales Reinvented Podcast to talk all things storytelling in sales.

Some highlights from the episode include:

[0:55] Why storytelling is incredibly important
[1:55] Can you learn how to tell stories well?
[2:45] The 3 ingredients of a story that sells
[3:59] Attributes of a great storyteller
[5:18] Resources to improve your storytelling
[6:13] Top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts
[10:09] Involve your clients in your stories

Please lisen below, and be sure to subscribe for more great content from Paul and Reinvented Sales– making sales a profession to be proud of.

For more information on how to master your sales conversations, read this article. And catch me on more sales podcasts here.

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