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Growth Mindset and High-Value Sales Opportunities

Growth Mindset and High-Value Sales Opportunities

How fast you bounce back from adversity depends on a growth mindset. There’s a quote I love from Sir Richard Branson, “business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” Whenever I hear or see that quote, I think of when I lost a big sales...
When a Sales Prospect Goes Cold… Know When to Walk Away

When a Sales Prospect Goes Cold… Know When to Walk Away

Building a better sales pipeline is a lot like that famous lyric from Kenny Rogers’ The Gambler: “Know when to walk away, know when to run.”

Through my years as a sales leader, I’ve learned that, despite our natural instinct as sellers to fight to win every sale, sometimes it’s best to walk away when the prospect goes cold.

In the February issue of Top Sales Magazine, I reflect on a recent situation where a prospect went cold, explore five reasons why it can happen even to the best of us, and share some strategies you can employ to tackle the challenges when they arise.

What Distinguishes a Standout Seller…The Why or the How?

What Distinguishes a Standout Seller…The Why or the How?

Being in strategic selling, often I see sales conversations and the buying process get wrapped up in solution details way too early. I’ve done it too — my mind running a million miles an hour, jumping into creating solutions before I know enough about the true problem or why it’s a priority today.

When we jump into solutioning too early (the “how”), we risk losing prospect or client buy-in. We miss the opportunity to understand the “why” behind the interest. Why it matters to this person and the business. We might miss the opportunity to more creatively solve the challenge.

So what distinguishes a standout seller? I share that on the blog and in a short video.

Your sales growth is only as strong as your strategy.

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