Call Amy (614) 286-8265

I’ve been a huge reader my entire life. My parents encouraged a love of reading and during my summers growing up in Cleveland, you could find me in one of two places: the pool or the library. I was the one who actually read all of the suggested summer reading from my teachers. 😊

In honor of International Book Day, I’m sharing my list of top sales books I’m reading now. I had to painstakingly narrow down my list.

These are four I’m actively studying and one “not-to miss” that will be released soon.


  • Elite Sales Strategies, Anthony Iannarino: This one just hit my bookshelf, it’s brand new from Anthony. I’ve already started digging in and the concept of One-Down and One-Up is a gamechanger for sales professionals.


  • The Modern Trusted Advisor, Nancy MacKay and Alan Weiss: This book concisely distills down 10 habits to master as an inspiring leader and trusted advisor. Hard to pick a favorite, but Time Mastery is at the top of my list right now.


  • Look Me in the Eye, Julie Hansen: Julie makes mastering video look easy. (Even though we all know it’s not!) I’m on a lot of stages as a speaker and leader, and I picked up several excellent ideas for improving my mastery of video. One of my favorites is the “Act as if…”


  • Radical Candor, Kim Scott: I’m the Board Chair for Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland, and my CEO Tammy Wharton and I have been reading this book together. The concept of candid and compassionate communication has helped us to create a better partnership.


  • She Sells, Lori Richardson: Lori is one of the most recognized leaders in her work of attracting more women into sales and promoting more women into sales leadership. This one debuts on May 31 and it’s a must read for making the profession more diverse.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t encourage you to checkout my book, The Modern Seller. It delves into the five critical sales skill sets that rise above the rest. You’ll learn why each one matters to sellers and clients, what it looks like in everyday sales activities, and most importantly, how you can build each one – in yourself or in your sales team.

Lastly, visit my blog post from last year with several more worthwhile reads.

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