Call Amy (614) 286-8265

logo_block-FINIt was Aristotle who said that we are what we repeatedly do. Our seemingly small actions, performed day in and day out, eventually create who we are.

They are also known as habits.

To help you take the next steps in creating lasting leadership habits, our Founder and CEO Amy Franko shared a simple, three-step plan you can practice.

This article is the fifth and final post in a series on creating leadership identity on the Association for Talent Development blog. Read it here.

And be sure to check out the other articles in the series.

Building a personal brand
Leading through your actions
Leading through your visual and verbal presence
Leadership response

Your sales growth is only as strong as your strategy.

Download Amy's Sales Strategy Index now and receive the top 10 growth factors every sales strategy needs. 

Congratulations! Here is your Sales Strategy Index.