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Do you bring the right energy to the sales process? This is an especially important question when so much of our business is conducted virtually now.

In this episode of the Scale Your Sales podcast, Amy discusses energy with host Janice Gordon. The Scale Your Sales weekly podcast, dedicated to learning from amazing experts and influencers to help you on your sales journey to scale your sales.

  • 00:00 Why Your Energy is Important in the Sales Process.
  • 01:28 With the pandemic, it is necessary to adapt to virtual.
  • 04:33 Why maintaining your positivity and energy are important in the sales process.
  • 05:56 Amy’s book: The Modern Seller, and the entrepreneurial idea behind this book.
  • 09:51 Why as an entrepreneur, the company’s growth is based on your ability to build customer relationships.
  • 11:44 Why there is more awareness, more action, and more pressure to get women into a Sales Career.
  • 3:23 Why take the time to focus on the 20% of clients that represents your current budget.
  • 16:00 Why you need to get out into your community to succeed.
  • 17:40 More about the World Association of Girl Guides and Scouts. 

For more information on being a productive and holistic sales professional, read this blog on top effectiveness and productivity tools. And catch Amy on more sales podcasts here.

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