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Video: Sales Conversations: Pre-brief & Debrief

Video: Sales Conversations: Pre-brief & Debrief

There are two pieces to a sales conversation that if you put this into your process, you will have much more effective and more momentum gathering conversations in the future. The first is the pre-brief. The pre brief is essentially thinking through the outcomes that...
Video: Optimize Sales Skill Development for ROI

Video: Optimize Sales Skill Development for ROI

  Smart organizations understand the value of sales training and investing in their salespeople and sales leaders. When developing these skills, focusing on four key areas can ensure a robust and sustainable program. 1. Sustainability Objectives First, consider...
Video: Leverage as a Sales Strategy

Video: Leverage as a Sales Strategy

Leverage is an incredibly powerful sales strategy. At its core, leverage means taking one idea, one strategy, or one sale and expanding its results significantly without much additional effort. Here’s how it works in practice: Expanding a Single Win: One client of...
Video: Who is Your Competition

Video: Who is Your Competition

  A question to think about: who is your competition… really? Is it just the firms you’re used to running into, or is it something more? Consider these three different types of competition. 1. Marketplace Competition: The first type of competition is...

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