I grew up loving words. For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved writing, speaking, all forms of communication. Those were my favorite classes in school, and also what I love most about the work I get to do today in sales training and leadership development.
Words have power, and the most powerful words are the ones we use with ourselves.
I can’t remember where I first came across this exercise, but for the past several years I’ve been doing what is called the “One Word” resolution. Each January, I decide on the one word that I want to inspire and guide me for the year. This post has become a bit of an annual tradition for me; when I see this topic on the blog calendar, I always look forward to writing it and sharing it with you.
2017’s word was “intentional.” (Read that post here.)
I wrote in that post that one of my top intentions was to become an author. It’s amazing what setting and sharing an intention can do, because that book is almost here! So close…The Modern Seller is coming out later this year, and I couldn’t be more excited to share it with you.
When I come up with my One Word, it usually starts with a brainstorm list, and then the random post-it note or text as other words pop up. I was feeling a little stuck for this year’s word. I felt like the words I was coming up with were just a little too… overused… not personal enough… just not quite the right fit. Words like courageous, accelerate, impact.
All good words, but not that “one” that I wanted to have in front of me for 365 days.
The One Word came to me during a session with my executive coach. Or, more accurately – she came up with it for me. I was talking with her about where I wanted to take the company, and where I wanted to grow personally.
She looked at me and said, “Your word for this coming year is YES. Yes to growth. Yes to opportunity. Yes to stepping into the next version of yourself.”
I’ll admit, my first reaction was “hell no.” I’d been trying for the last two years to skinny down my commitments, to make more space in my life.
She encouraged me to at least sit with it, to try it on, and then decide if that was going to be the word. Before I said no. And being the good student, I did what she asked. The more I sat with it, the more it grew on me. The more I realized that no and yes can live together, and what I’m really saying “yes” to are the right opportunities, the right growth, the right risks. YES helps me frame it up in way that creates optimism and forward momentum.
What am I saying yes to in 2018?
- Sharing my sales and leadership messages on bigger stages, by expanding my keynote speaking. (You can check out my keynotes on sales and leadership here.)
- Changing my environment with new office space, to help me expand my networks and my thinking.
- Expanding my thought leadership and reach by publishing The Modern Seller.
- Increasing my visibility as a leader and sales expert, by expanding the Amy Franko brand (more to come on that).
- Growing and scaling our sales training and leadership development offerings, to reach more people and have greater impact.
One word makes a difference.
I’d love to hear from you. What’s your One Word for 2018? How will you make 2018 your year to remember?