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The holiday season has officially arrived. If you’re like me, that means you’ll find yourself on the go more over the next several weeks. One way I like to take advantage of travel time is to tune in to my favorite sales podcasts.

Of course, podcasters are eager for your ears. As of 2015, there were more than 115,000 English language podcasts. (Source: With all the content that’s available, how can you figure out which podcasts are worth the investment of your time? For those sales professionals and leaders, I’ve helped you narrow it down.

Next time you’re looking for fresh, on-the-go content, check out these six outstanding sales podcasts.

  1. Accelerate!

Sales leader Andy Paul’s Accelerate! is all about sales, profit and growth. No matter your role in the sales organization, this podcast will help you generate better leads, close more sales and grow your accounts.

Don’t miss this: In October, Andy chatted with Stephen M.R. Covey about trust as the real sales accelerator. Stephen says the single biggest challenge facing sales reps today is building a relationship of trust with the customer or prospect. It’s a whole new way of competing, and it’s a huge differentiator for selling. You have to move a lot faster. I couldn’t agree more. Listen to it now.

  1. The Sales Evangelist

Donald Kelly has become known as “The Sales Evangelist.” He interviews some of the best sales, business and marketing experts on how you can take your career, business, and income to a top producer’s status.

Don’t miss this: Recently, Donald posted a podcast about the power of local leads. He says that sometimes we go far and wide finding prospects – when we have big possibilities right in our own backyard. If you think you could benefit from a stronger local presence, this episode is for you. Listen to it now.

  1. In the Arena

Anthony Iannarino shares weekly sales insights in his podcast, In the Arena.  Anthony is a skilled interviewer, and you’ll hear tips to help you shape strategy, as well as tactics you can implement for quick results.

Don’t miss this: Anthony recently featured Alan Alda on In the Arena. (Yes, THAT Alan Alda.) They discussed the importance of communication skills that truly serve relationships. Any sales person can benefit from Alda’s wisdom. And if you were a M.A.S.H. fan, you definitely won’t want to miss this. Listen to it now.

  1. B2B Growth Show

The B2B Growth Show is a daily podcast dedicated to helping B2B marketers achieve explosive growth. It’s hosted by James Carbury and Jonathan Green of Sweetfish Media—a group that helps business launch their own podcasts. These two know what they’re doing. They’ve produced nearly 600 episodes to date, and with topics that range from lead gen, to brand positioning, to sales development, they’ve got you covered.

Don’t miss this: I appeared on Episode 556 with Jonathan on a topic that has changed my life and business – social capital and the power of relationships. The episode is How to Use Your Social Capital to Elevate Your Business Relationships. Listen to it now.

  1. Entrepreneurs on Fire

EOF was introduced to me by my fantastic marketing director, Michelle Bretscher. It’s an award-winning podcast where John Lee Dumas chats with today’s most inspiring entrepreneurs—seven days a week. While it’s not specifically a sales podcast, it has some of the most interesting business conversations online today, which is what your customers do care about.

Don’t miss this: I credit EOF for inspiring me to connect with Jane Atkinson, who became my keynote speaking coach. Jane talked with John about “how to stop playing small in life.” Good stuff. Listen to it now.

  1. Women in Sales

As evidenced by this list, sales has been a male-dominated field. Some women are stepping out to help create a shift. Launched last summer by Ali Powell of Hubspot, Women in Sales is a relatively new podcast. It strives to empower more women to join the profession of sales by telling our stories and to enable women in sales roles to connect with and learn from each other.

Don’t miss this: Ali interviewed Tonni Bennett, VP of sales at Terminus. Tonni is a rock-star sales leader, and she shares the misconception of people being born good at sales vs. sales is a learned skill.  Listen to it now.

Which sales podcasts do you subscribe to? Share your top choices with me.

For further sales inspiration, check out my favorite sales blogs.  Or download our ebook, Six Strategies to Maximize Sales Results.

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