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How to Take Smart Risks for Sales Success

How to Take Smart Risks for Sales Success

Inventor James Dyson has said, “The key to success is failure… Success is made of 99 percent failure.” There is a spectrum to risk. It pays to sharpen our awareness of which risks are smart, and which ones may cause great harm in the long run.  These ideas will help you and your sales force succeed by taking smart risks.

Boost Sales Results with An Entrepreneurial Mindset

Boost Sales Results with An Entrepreneurial Mindset

You don’t need to be an entrepreneur to benefit from thinking like one. The “entrepreneurial mindset” is a modern sales skill that all organizations must develop to propel their businesses forward. Customers and prospects need your sales team to become more entrepreneurial and use an entrepreneurial mindset to help them solve their toughest challenges. As a CEO or sales leader, how can you empower your team’s evolution? I’m pleased to provide four strategies in a guest blog post for Columbus CEO magazine.

Your sales growth is only as strong as your strategy.

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