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Inspiration to Elevate Your Leadership in the New Year

Inspiration to Elevate Your Leadership in the New Year

These TED Talks Will Motivate You to be a Better Leader It’s that time of year. We’re looking ahead, and making resolutions for enhancing our work and personal lives in the next chapter. For many of us in leadership positions, or those who aspire to be, our goals for...

3 Strategies for Developing the Frontline Leader

What’s the top challenge we see facing organizations today? From our perspective, the answer is obvious: the development of frontline leaders. When given the opportunity to submit a guest blog for Columbus CEO Magazine, our Amy Franko jumped at the chance to...

Columbus Women to Know

By Amy Franko There’s a saying that you should surround yourself with people who will lift you higher. As a practitioner in the area of leadership development, I couldn’t agree more. And as a woman business owner in the Columbus Region, I’m grateful to be surrounded...

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