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One Word…

One Word…

in·ten·tion·al inˈten(t)SH(ə)n(ə)l/ adjective done on purpose; deliberate. By Amy Franko I grew up loving words, and I know that they have power. I’ve learned (and continue to learn) that the most powerful words are the ones I use with myself. I can’t remember where I...
17 Inspiring Leadership Quotes to Kickstart 2017

17 Inspiring Leadership Quotes to Kickstart 2017

It’s the start of a fresh, New Year. If you’re like many of us, you’ve maybe made a resolution or two that focuses on self improvement. I for one am always seeking to grow my leadership skills. That’s a year-long resolution that not only creates a positive impact for...

Building Teams that Go the Distance

True, long-term success comes from teamwork, not from individuals alone. This African proverb sums it up well: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.” If your organization is like most, you’ve developed some big goals for 2016. You...

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