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The last few days of the year provide the perfect time to reflect on what we’ve learned, and to lay the groundwork for an even more successful and productive new year.

Of course, 2018 was the year I launched my book, The Modern Seller.

Let’s take a look back at the five core dimensions of modern sellers: modern sellers are agile, entrepreneurial, holistic, social, and ambassadors.

These five dimensions are the skillsets that modern sellers need to develop to sell more and increase their impact in the new sales economy. Throughout the fall I published this series of short videos to help introduce the dimensions to you. Here they are in one, easy to reference resource page.

Meet the Modern Seller

Learn why each dimension of the modern seller matters, what it looks like in everyday sales activities, and most importantly, how you can build each one – in yourself or in your sales team.

The Modern Seller is Agile

If you’re agile, you’re a fluid thinker. You adapt quickly to ambiguity. You probably love the fast pace of change. When you’re agile, you’re seeing ahead of the curve, adapting and navigating through what’s next.

The Modern Seller is Entrepreneurial

Modern sellers aren’t just employees. They’re the founders and CEOs of their books of business. That’s an entirely different level of ownership, and the mindset of being in a startup. Learn about the importance of an entrepreneurial mindset and vision in modern selling.

The Modern Seller is Holistic

Every day, we have a finite amount of time, energy, motivation, and discipline. Those resources get depleted as we move throughout our day. Modern sellers know that the choices we make with those resources directly impacts what we accomplish in the day, and the sales results we create.

The Modern Seller is Social

Social capital will never have a line item on a P&L, but modern sellers know that their relationships and networks have tangible value. They’re very intentional about creating and sustaining relationships.

The Modern Seller is an Ambassador

Think of an ambassador as a bridge. In a global sense, and ambassador is a bridge between countries and cultures. In modern selling, ambassadors are also a bridge – connecting their organization to prospects and clients, connecting to their communities, connecting to their industries.

Ready to learn more? You can download a free chapter, The Modern Seller is Social, now. Or hop over to Amazon to buy a copy of the  book.

Thanks to all my clients, colleagues, partners and friends for being a part of my journey in 2018. I look forward to serving you in 2019.





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