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In previous videos, I covered sales agility. For the current set, I’m covering how modern sellers are entrepreneurial.

Let’s consider thought leadership for modern sellers. The term “thought leadership” shouldn’t be a surface descriptor or label. True thought leaders are leaders above everything else. And today’s thought leadership needs both strategic and tactical approaches. Clients and prospects expect thought leadership to be backed by action and experience. It’s the intersection of strategy, deep subject expertise, and selling skills.

So how do you combine these elements for success in today’s environments? In this video, I explain four key elements needed for modern sellers to elevate their thought leadership.

  • The decision to be a thought leader and rise above your peers.
  • Your thought leadership strategy.
  • Specialize.
  • Practice selling your ideas to a defined audience.

Watch it now to learn more about thought leadership for modern sellers.

Download a free chapter of The Modern Seller to learn more strategies for becoming a Modern Seller.

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