I’ve said it before: I’m a big believer in life-long learning. With a very on-the-go lifestyle, I’ve come to enjoy and depend on podcasts as part of my own professional development toolkit.
As I launched The Modern Seller, I’ve also been able to “give back” to the podcast community as a guest on some of the top sales podcasts and leadership podcasts. It’s a role I’ve enjoyed, as I’ve had the opportunity to chat with other industry thought leaders and share some of the sales strategies I’ve learned and developed that can help others accelerate their sales results.
For today’s post, I’m sharing a roundup of seven of my top recent sales podcast appearances. For a library of all my podcast appearances, visit the podcast resource page. I also encourage you to subscribe to these podcasts. They publish regularly with a variety of exciting guests and informative topics.
In The Arena with Anthony Iannarino
The Top 5 Sales Skills of Modern Sellers
Anthony Iannarino is a fellow speaker, author and sales leader who also happens to be located right here in the Columbus Region, like Amy. His sales podcast, In the Arena, is constantly ranked among the best in the business. Amy joined Anthony on an episode to share the top five sales skills of modern sellers. Learn how the quality of your relationships will dictate the quality of your sales results and how to become a trusted advisor to your clients.
Top takeaway: An ambassador is a bridge – a person who brings things and people together. An ambassador is an owner – a person invested in their company and their results. An ambassador is a value creator – a person who works to serve others and enable their success.
Selling with Social with Mario M. Martinez
Achieve Modern Sales Success
Vengreso’s Selling with Social sales podcast provides actionable insights for modern sellers.
Mario M. Martinez Jr is the CEO and Founder of Vengreso and the host of Selling with Social. He spent 82 consecutive quarters in B2B Sales and Leadership roles growing hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue annually.
Amy joined Mario on an episode to share insights on how the modern sales environment is changing constantly. And why, if you’re going to be successful in it, you’ve got to be growing and adapting so you can navigate the changes successfully.
Top takeaway: To succeed as a modern seller, you’ve got to learn how to address what your prospects are truly concerned about – and the timing related to that concern. For example, every buyer you speak with will be concerned about return on investment relating to the purchase of your product or service.
The Sell Out Show with Dianna Geairin and Shawn Karol Sandy
5 Skills Modern Sellers Need
If you are a #BootsOnTheGround #PhoneInTheHand salesperson, this show is for YOU!
Amy Franko appeared on the SellOut Show with hosts Dianna Geairn and Shawn Karol Sandy. With its fast fun pace and tangible, actionable advice, this show’s goal is to get you to a “solid six” in sales. When Amy joined them on the show, they delved into the five skills every modern seller needs.
Top takeaway: Why being “holistic” is an important trait of a modern seller and how an energy routine can help build motivation and discipline.
Listen to the conversation here.
Conversations with Phil Gerbyshak
Phil Gerbyshak is a speaker, sales expert, corporate sales trainer and small business coach. He trains his clients on the power of connection
Amy chatted with Phil on a recent episode of his show, Conversations with Phil and they discussed Amy’s book, The Modern Seller.
Top takeaway: Being a modern seller allows us to be more focused on the right sales activities, the right clients and the right growth make us more efficient and more effective.
Same Side Selling Podcast with Ian Altman
Modern Sales and Marketing Techniques for Modern Sellers
If you’re a sales professional or sales leader who’s also a fan of podcasts, chances are you are familiar with Ian Altman. Ian, a renowned keynote speaker, business expert, and bestselling author, hosts a podcast called Same Side Selling where he tackles sales and business topics, as well as offers insight from industry leaders with proven success. More than 150 episodes are posted in his archive.
Amy spoke with Ian on a recent episode about Modern Sales and Marketing Techniques.
Top takeaway: How a “transactional mindset” can hurt businesses and why outcomes are far more important than individual deals.
ATD Sales Enablement Podcast
Shaping the Sales Career Path
Amy has been a long-time member of the Association for Talent Development, a past ATD annual conference speaker, and a frequent contributor to the group’s publications. Recently she joined ATD in a new venue—an ATD Sales Enablement Channel podcast.
On the episode, Jenna Cronin, Community of Practice Manager for Sales Enablement at ATD, and Amy delved into the importance of shaping the sales career path and building a strong, productive sales culture.
Top takeaway: Who should care the most about sales career development and what are some of the inflection points (or changes a company goes through) that should cause leadership to address career paths.
Rooted in Revenue with Susan Finch
The Why and the How: Which Comes First to Move the Sale Along
The Rooted in Revenue sales podcast program tackles many revenue subjects, all based on revenue generating marketing, events and sales activities with expert hosts and guests.Co-host Susan Finch has been helping people solve marketing problems and build their online reputations and value for decades. Rooted in Revenue is a venue for snack-sized tips that can be easily implemented.
In this episode, Susan welcomes back Amy, as a follow up to the book launch episode for The Modern Seller. Update on her book. Her blog post titled, “What Distinguishes a Standout Seller?” led to this interview.
Top takeaway: There is not one answer, but Amy helps you determine the questions to have ready in order to guide the meeting, the presentation and ultimately – THE SALE.