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Can’t Reach Prospects or Clients? Create Value with 3 Sales Strategies

Can’t Reach Prospects or Clients? Create Value with 3 Sales Strategies

Whether you’re a veteran sales leader or brand new to the profession, chances are good that at one point or another you’ve struggled to break through with a prospect. Or found it difficult to maintain a strategic relationship with a hard-to-connect-to client.

One of the best ways to accelerate your progress, and therefore your sales results, is to focus on creating and communicating value in every interaction.

When you create value, the prospect or client will remember you and want to continue the conversation. This blog post shares three strategies you can focus on to create value in every interaction.

How *Not* to do Social Selling

How *Not* to do Social Selling

LinkedIn can be a powerful social selling tool. But as Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker in Spider-Man, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

When I’m building relationships with potential clients, LinkedIn InMail and invitations are part of my social messaging rotation. These tools are very effective for background research and opening doors for that next step in a conversation IF they are used effectively. When done wrong, this outreach can very quickly shut down a conversation and a potential relationship.

Not long ago, I received a message that I’d file under the social selling “done wrong” category. On the blog this week, I take a look at the message and share tips for how you can be sure to not make the same mistakes.

What Distinguishes a Standout Seller…The Why or the How?

What Distinguishes a Standout Seller…The Why or the How?

Being in strategic selling, often I see sales conversations and the buying process get wrapped up in solution details way too early. I’ve done it too — my mind running a million miles an hour, jumping into creating solutions before I know enough about the true problem or why it’s a priority today.

When we jump into solutioning too early (the “how”), we risk losing prospect or client buy-in. We miss the opportunity to understand the “why” behind the interest. Why it matters to this person and the business. We might miss the opportunity to more creatively solve the challenge.

So what distinguishes a standout seller? I share that on the blog and in a short video.

How to Make Your Sales People Rockstar Sellers

How to Make Your Sales People Rockstar Sellers

The “rockstars” and the “middles” offer your greatest potential for creating a sales force of productive, modern sellers – that are engaged and deliver results. But they can’t do it without your leadership. Providing on-going sales training is proven to deliver a significant return on investment.

2 More Sales Trends Creating Chaos in the New Sales Econom

2 More Sales Trends Creating Chaos in the New Sales Econom

The sales trends and disruptions we’re experiencing are more extreme than ever before. Some are due to technology, others are cultural. But all are changing the way our clients and prospects interact with us. Two weeks ago on this blog, I introduced you to the concept of seven trends creating chaos in the new sales economy, and I shared some tips for how to tackle these challenges. Today, I’ll reveal two more of the trends.

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