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Welcome to the Modern Seller video series.  I’m sharing strategies that you can put into practice as either a sales professional or sales leader. The series is a great companion to the book, The Modern Seller, which is available on Amazon and Audible. In previous videos, I covered sales agility, entrepreneurial selling, and social capital.

Today’s topic in The Modern Seller video series is on how you can build a network ecosystem that creates better selling opportunities and results.

In the past, we could focus our sales efforts only on those buying our services. The risk with that approach is that we may be missing a relationship that’s key to earning a client’s business. But in the new sales economy, we need to get beyond our usual silos to work across the organization, and sometimes even outside of it. Your network ecosystem will help you solve for that.

Think of your network ecosystem as the set of relationships you need to reach a specific sales or opportunity goal.

That ecosystem will have a few major characteristics. There will be internal and external relationships. There will various levels of influence. There will be strategic and functional relationships. And often there will be multiple decision makers, depending on the opportunity and size of the organization.

An action step to take is building out your Network Ecosystem for a key client. In this video, I walk through four key groups you’ll want to prioritize in your relationship-building efforts:
– Decision makers
– Centers of influence
– Advocates
– Strategic alliances

For more detailed information on these strategies, pick up a copy of The Modern Seller.

I’ll be back  with a new video.  In the meantime, I invite you to watch my previous videos. And download a free chapter of The Modern Seller to learn more strategies for becoming a Modern Seller.

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