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Sales Training & Leadership Development Videos

Video Library

Video: Two Sales Qualifying Questions for Lead Conversion

Video: Two Sales Qualifying Questions for Lead Conversion

Does your sales training program focus on the importance of qualifying opportunities? In any sales opportunity, understanding the true quality and urgency is crucial. But how do you accurately gauge these factors? Here are two simple yet powerful questions to ask ... read more

Video: Shifting from Digital to Live Sales Conversations

Video: Shifting from Digital to Live Sales Conversations

  In the fast-paced world of sales, mastering the art of communication is key to unlocking success. While digital channels offer convenience, they often fall short in fostering meaningful connections and driving conversions. ... read more

Video: Pursue Sales Strategy with Focus

Video: Pursue Sales Strategy with Focus

  A common challenge in designing sales strategy is focus. No shortage of activities exists—solution sets, pursued industries, customer types. Elite organizations use focus as a filter, selecting only activities aiding success in the next one or two ... read more

Video: 3 Strategic Plans You Need for Long-term Sales Growth

Video: 3 Strategic Plans You Need for Long-term Sales Growth

  As it relates to long term successful sales growth, elite organizations, need three strategic plans in their organization. They have a visionary plan. They have a sales strategy. And they have a marketing strategy. That visionary plan is ... read more

Video: Understanding Results and Value in Sales

Video: Understanding Results and Value in Sales

A strategy to help you move your opportunities through your pipeline more quickly is the ability to differentiate between a result and the value derived from the result. It doesn't matter if this is an opportunity that is early stage or if it is something that's a ... read more

Video: Maximize Your Sales Kickoff in 2024

Video: Maximize Your Sales Kickoff in 2024

  Whether you're a sales leader or an individual contributor, you probably have a sales kickoff in your future. This is The Modern Seller's guide to maximizing your sales kickoff experience and making sure that you take away the strategies that you most ... read more

Video: Your Best Investment: A Case for Lifelong Learning

Video: Your Best Investment: A Case for Lifelong Learning

What are the secrets to longevity? After considering the traits of one very exceptional nonagenarian, I can boil it down to two things: self-care and lifelong learning. Today's post digs into the second of those two... what lifelong learning can do for us personally and professionally. It’s the best investment you can make. read more

Video: 3 Fresh Strategies for Selling Through Disruption

Video: 3 Fresh Strategies for Selling Through Disruption

The arrival of COVID-19 changed the way we live, work, and sell. My friend and fellow sales expert Tibor Shanto launched a video series to share insights on how to positively approach the times we are in. I was pleased to be his guest on a recent episode. In ... read more

Video: Client Loyalty: A Modern Sales Game Changer

Video: Client Loyalty: A Modern Sales Game Changer

  Welcome to the new Modern Seller video series. I’m sharing strategies that you can put into practice as either a sales professional or sales leader. The series is a great companion to the book, The Modern Seller, which is available on Amazon and Audible. ... read more

Video: Create Better Selling Opportunities with a Network Ecosystem

Video: Create Better Selling Opportunities with a Network Ecosystem

    Welcome to the Modern Seller video series.  I’m sharing strategies that you can put into practice as either a sales professional or sales leader. The series is a great companion to the book, The Modern Seller, which is available ... read more

Video: Grow Your Sales with 3 Ambassador Strategies

Video: Grow Your Sales with 3 Ambassador Strategies

  Today's topic is about building ambassadors in your sales organization. I like to think of an ambassador as a bridge. In a global sense, an ambassador is a bridge between countries and cultures. They are skilled at connecting their organization to ... read more

Video: Social Goal Setting Strategies for Modern Sellers

Video: Social Goal Setting Strategies for Modern Sellers

We're delving into how modern sellers are social. And today's video looks at goal setting in that context. Goal setting is part of the Social Framework that I introduced in my book, The Modern Seller.. Social goals have an element that makes them stand out: ... read more

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